Tuesday, February 15, 2011

David Matthew

Finally an updated photo of the grandbaby....3 1/2 months old...it is a cell phone picture...not great but better than nothing....I need to take a trip out to California to take some good shots...and for other reasons....like to hold him...and play with him...and get him a crib so he can have David time...and give him lots of kisses....


  1. Barb, he is beautiful. He looks like you and he has your nose. He's gonna be a looker :)

  2. What a little doll! He has that very serious look that says, "Grandma, come visit me!!!!"

  3. He is such a little doll! Look at that serious expression. He seems to be saying, "Grandma, come visit me and I'm not going to smile until you get here!"
